Suoraan sisältöön

The municipality does not maintain the hiking trails. Contact persons for the municipality are the municipal manager and the secretary of the business administration.

Lohilahti wildnerness trails

For hiking and canoeing. The route that start from the Lohilahti shop is about 30km long, and travels across the Lohilahti forest area. There are 3 rest areas along the route.

Vilkaharju nature paths

The starting information board for the double paths is located in the middle of Vilkaharju, near the parking area of Hopeasaarentie intersection. Along the nature path, there are also anti-tank obstacles and trenches dating back to World War II.

Canoeing route Oravareitti, the ‘Squirrel Route’

A canoeing route between Juva and Sulkava.
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