Suoraan sisältöön

There is a comprehensive school in Sulkava. The town centre hosts the grades 1–9, and Lohilahti hosts the grades 0–6.

In the Sulkava comprehensive school, the town center’s central school offers teaching for each grade separately, and the Lohilahti school has combined classes. Each pupil has the right to good education and success in school work. Learning takes place in active interaction with other pupils, teachers, and other adults, as well as with different communities and learning environments. Each semester has a theme that varies, and it is reflected in the teaching holistically. Our school is also involved in the School on the Move programme.

Sulkava comprehesive school offers buddy student, VERSO, prefect, student board, and youth council activities. Our school also has a parents’ association.

In addition to class and subject teachers, our school employs two all-round special needs teachers, and guidance counsellors.

Our school buys the school meals and facilities’ maintenance services from Järvi-Saimaan palvelut.

Neighbourhood school definition of the Sulkava municipality

Attachment/ Education and Culture Committee 10 June 2015 / § 39

Neighbourhood school definition of the Sulkava municipality (pdf)


Preschool education is provided at the daycare Touhula in the town centre, and at the primary school Lohilahti in the sparsely populated area. Enrolling for preschool education takes place at a specified time in late winter/early spring. Further information is available on the early childhood education website.

Morning and afternoon activities for pupils

Morning and afternoon activities for pupils falls under the school’s supervision. Read more about the morning and afternoon activity plan here. Morning and afternoon activity plan (only in finnish)

Announcements and brochures

Preschool application form
The prefilled form is sent to caretakers in January.

Announcements by the comprehensive school and upper secondary school
New curriculums, school transport instructions and other current instructions are available in Wilma.

If you have the required ID, you can access Wilma here.

School working days and holidays

School working days 2022-2023 (pdf)