Suoraan sisältöön

Website is located at:

Sulkava health centre, tel. 015 527 7165
or through the service site at Here is the link

Address: Terveystie 2, 58700 SULKAVA

The following services are available at the Sulkava health care centre:
The health centre is open Mon–Thu 8 am – 4 pm, Fri 8 am – 3 pm.
Reserve a nurse’s/doctor’s appointment, tel. 015 527 7165, or for a nurse’s appointment via the online service.
After assessing your condition, you will be referred to further treatment, if necessary.

Laboratory tests are taken on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 7.30 am – 11 am.
Book an appointment Mon–Fri 12 pm – 2 pm, tel. 044 717 8600
or via the web site: Itä-Suomen Laboratorio

The x-ray is at the Savonlinna Central Hospital.
Ambulance emergency number, tel. 112.

Emergency Care

At the Savonlinna Central Hospital on weekday evenings and weekends, as well as on public holidays. Tel. 015 527 7777.

Street address:
Keskussairaalantie 6
Entrance through the emergency clinic door, from the lakeside. Always call first, if possible.

Health Protection

Health Protection, Sulkavan office
Kauppatie 1, 58700 Sulkava

Health Inspector Mika Merinen
Health environment supervision
Tel. 0400 252 867
E-mail: mika.merinen(a)

Health Inspector Elisa Toropainen
supervision of food quality control, and supervision of the sales of tobacco and nicotine products
Tel. 044 417 2596
E-mail: elisa.toropainen(a)

Health Inspector on call, Mon–Fri 9 am – 13 pm.
Tel. 044 309 6000
E-mail: terveystarkastaja(a)
The Health Inspector’s office is located in the municipal government office, 2nd floor.


Veterinarian services are provided by Sosteri. Sulkava office is located adjacent to day centre Ilona.

Veterinarian Services, Sulkava office
Terveystie 6, 58700 Sulkava

Municipal Veterinarian Jessica Gynther
Tel. 044 417 2051

Phone calls: 8 am – 9 am
Scheduled appointments and emergency patients, if necessary: Mon–Fri 9 am – 4 pm
Emergency Care: 4 pm – 8 am
Weekend Emergency Care: Fri 4 pm – Mon 8 am
There is only one veterinarian on call on weekends in the area of Sulkava, Juva, Puumala and Rantasalmi.

Rescue animal shelter:
Temporary shelter for dogs, cats and other similar small pets and animals that are found and caught loose:

Timo Sistonen
Pirttiseläntie 442
58920 Kolkontaipale
Tel. 040 715 6257

Patient Ombudsman

The Patient Ombudsman is Heli Korhonen
Tel. 044 417 3218
E-mail: heli.korhonen(a)