Suoraan sisältöön


…organizations and associations that organize sports events. Sports events and competitions are organized by, for example, Sulkavan Urheilijat SU41, Tunnilan Lento, Kaipolan Kiista, Sulkavan Naisvoimistelijat, Sulkavan Moottorikerho/Urheiluautoilijat, Sulkavan Tarmo, Lohikosken…

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Nature trails

The municipality does not maintain the hiking trails. Contact persons for the municipality are the municipal manager and the secretary of the business administration. Lohilahti wildnerness trails For hiking and…

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Businesses in Sulkava

…Industrial jobs are divided into graphical, metal, and prefabricated concrete industries. Construction of wooden boats employs several Sulkava residents. Chairman of the board of Sulkavan Yrittäjät ry (Association for entrepreneurs…

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Cross-country skiing

…we recommend updating to the newest version of Java. Your browser may also ask for a confirmation for activating Java. If the map does not open at all, follow these…

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Health Services

…– 4 pm Emergency Care: 4 pm – 8 am Weekend Emergency Care: Fri 4 pm – Mon 8 am There is only one veterinarian on call on weekends in…

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Sulkava facts and figures

Sulkava in a Nutshell Founded in 1630, Sulkava is an archipelago municipality by Lake Saimaa in Southern Savonia Population: 2,528 (31 Dec. 2018) Total area: 769,21km² Confirmed tax percentages in…

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Ice skating

In the winter, the small ball field in the town centre is frozen for skating. The ice hockey rink is located next to the sports hall. In Lohilahti, the school…

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Rowing stadium

  Sulkava Seura Ry is responsible for the rowing stadium. The rowing stadium, the Varvinranta entertainment venue, and the church boats owned by the club can be rented! Sulkava Rowing…

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Holiday villages, farm accommodation, bed & breakfast, etc. Art Deco Hotel and Restaurant Oy/Kahvila-ravintola Alanne, os. Alanteentie 9, puh.+358 35 840 5131941 Holiday Village Kukkapää, Vekarantie 469, 58700 Sulkava, tel….

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Opening hours

…+358 (0)44 417 5347 E-mails The format of the e-mail addresses for municipal employees and elected officials is If you do not know the name of the recipient, you…

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